Wednesday, 20 February 2013

How to Hack Whatsapp

An theoretical approach to hack whatsapp


Many of my friends were like "Dude u on whatsaap?".

I got that question from many of my friends. So finally decided to download "whatsapp".
Even u guys should try it out, if u haven't tried it yet!

So i have been using this app from past 3 days, and i got value idea about how it works and how it authenticates You as You.

If you people would have observed -

1. You can read all the messages Offline o.O
2. You can access all d profile pictures offline.

But Whatsapp encrypts all d DATA. But guys "hold on". Obviously it can be decrypted or any other way to access all d messages..

"" There's always a way "" :D

Here what 'm going to talk about is not just getting there messages which can be accessed offline.
'll add that with video or screenshot in my next post :p

The method which i thought about when i was writing my "exams in coll 2day" is interesting..
And YA while writing exam.. Lol :D Cant help it ...
That's ME :p

Enough of Stories and background on whatsapp and Myself :p

Lets Get into Tech stuff

Its theoretical because i haven't tried it.
I'll try it and post with video or screenshots s00n :-)

Ohk guys, lets get busy

So if you people have observed you can not have your whatsapp account logged in in two devices. Means session is given to only 1 mac address. If the MAC [ Media Access Control ] address of the device requesting access changes then whatsapp asks you to re-verify your account! 

And common, "whatsapp people" you think Mac address cant be spoofed. But yeah Nice try whatsapp developer's :p

So here d point you will have to get access to the phone to get the victims phone "MAC address + the verifying massage" which is received to verify your device.

Simple you code a app to get the user's MAC address and checking the message from whats app in the victims inbox. Very easy in case of android devices.

As soon the message s received Push the "MAC address" + "Verifying code" to your server or mail it your ID. That depends on your convince.

That's it guys.

Spoof your phone's MAC address to your Victims address and install whatsapp and type the "verify code".

And done guys. You get complete access to the victims whatsapp ID..
where as you can keep spying/watching your victims movements :D
i.e 2 people - U + ur victim are using the same ID from different devices.

But its very LAME to spy on other people's private messages. So try not to.

This article is just an theoretical approach and only for understanding and knowledge purpose.
And 'm not responsible for any thing you do after reading this post :D :p

I have no clue up-to which extent the approach will work.

Any ways Thanks for reading this post.
Hope you people enjoyed it..

I look forward for your comments so that the flaws in method can be found out and rectify because even 'm not a gr8 hacker :p
Even 'm a beginner .

Happy Hacking..
Happy Coding :-)


  1. cann uu help me out with this pleaase!!!!

    1. Sure. What kind of help ?

    2. Need help I want to unblock myself 4rm a frnd whatsapp which I dnt av access to the device, îs it possible?

    3. Need help I want to unblock myself 4rm a frnd whatsapp which I dnt av access to the device, îs it possible?

  2. John brother!
    Don't spam here. Its fake.
    Blog viewers its just fake.. Ignore it..

    I could have deleted this post, but people should know its FAKE !

    Happy Hacking..
    Happy Coding :-)

  3. dude.. can u jus give step by step method of this whatsapp hack.

    1. Sure..
      My next blog post will be on that only.
      Kind of not free this month.. Expect a post on end of April..


    2. hey bro i need to find a mobile of a person i know only the gmail address and the persons old whatsapps number im sure the person is using the same email address for his new whatsapps account us it Possible to find the new mobile number ???

  4. can you tell me how to hack whatsapp !!
    Is there any way !

  5. Can you tell me how to hack whatsapp ?

  6. hi dear can you help me a little bit with the whats app hack it seems to be easy but it doesent work the way i ve done i tryd it with IMEI for android perhaps i m too old

    1. Whatsapp is an awesome app. Sad part is its not secure.
      None of its information is encrypted before its transmitted, thats the biggest mistake :-(


      According to my post you get access to the whatsapp account but he will loosing access. So he will retrieve it back soon. So thats a problem again.

      But in addition to the above method [in this post] ADD IMEI spoofing also then it will be like-
      1. you are spying on his account.
      2. even you can reply to anyone.
      clear ?


    2. My thanks will come very late thank you!!! Best wishes from an old lady

  7. hi ther Can you tell me how to hack whatsapp plz

  8. Can you tell me how to hack whatsapp

  9. I got your concept and salute to your knowledge yogeesh.
    but as I dont much about hacking stuff , so how can I copy the mac address and put it on my device ..??

    1. Thanks :-)

      And depends on which device your "victim" and "you" are using.
      Assuming its android device, then its very simple.

      1. If you get physical access to that mobile then

      go to Settings.
      Tap About Phone.
      Tap Status.
      Scroll down to see your Wi-Fi MAC address.

      2. If you want to get the mac-address without his knowledge then you'll have to social engineer with that guy/she or install a app-mac address grabber. Takes the mac-address and mail's you or upload's in your server. That according to your comfort ..

      Now you got the mac-address. Download a mac-address spoofer and spoof your mac-address temporarily And have fun..

      Thanks !
      Happy hacking :-)

    2. i cant find a spoofer on android device, btw i want to make it work in a blackberry device, my and victim's phones are both blackberry so, rply asap :)

    3. i cant find a spoofer in my blackberry world, so i cant get it in to my phone is there any way to spoof the mac ?, i have got the victim's mac address and i have got imei too. please help its urgent.

      Thanks, looking forward for your rply soon:)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi yogeesh, how about finding an MAC address on victim's iPhone ?
    and you've got an excellent hacking stuff ! kudos !


  12. Dude i am impatiently waiting for the step by step guide on how to hack whatsapp almost end of march :P

    1. Hey brother.
      Sorry for keeping you waiting.
      Seriously 'm busy the following week also.
      I'll surely get back to your request and ping you personally.
      cool ?

    2. Hi Bro !
      Sure cool , i am a patient person :P Looking forward for your response.
      Have an awesome day.

    3. Hey Yogeesh ,
      Hope you are doing good , I wanted to know if you got free from your busy schedule ? Still waiting for that personal contact :D

  13. hey sorry, i dont really understand those steps, can u show me in a better flow please? for samsung android mobile phone. TQ

    1. break the steps which i have mentioned into different pieces LIKE "divide and conquer" :p

      Start googling out what ever you don't understand.

      Believe me by the end even you will ready to write a blog post like this for some other app..

      Just helping you learn brother.

  14. hi, it took me time to get to this url
    plz i have a little problem and will need your help urgently.
    Am a Nigerian studying in Mauritius,
    My girlfriend lives in my home country and we plan to get married after am done studying.

    we use both 2go and whatapps to communicate, but recently, her behavior has changed. honestly, i want to know if there is a way to hack into her account to know who she chats with so as to know if she is still faithful and waiting for me.

    cuz each time we chat, she says she does not have any one she chats with except me but still, it takes her up to 10Mins to reply me.


    1. Sorry for late reply!

      Don't worry too much bro!
      TRUST! Still having same problem ?

  15. hi, is it possible to read and know who my girl chats with? she is in Nigeria while am in Mauritius

  16. hello brother!
    can you please help me out with this! one of my friend wants to know if his girl is flirting with someone or not. because even when she's online, she doesn't text him or so. and he's really worried. so please help asap.

  17. Hi bro,

    I was trying to figure out a way if victim doesnt access Whatsapp thru wifi. The blog below mentions the procedure. Looks like we need to embed in an app the framework he has developed. After installing the app, all whatsapp msgs of victim would be emailed to your gmail... Checkout and

    But many of us donot have programming skills. Was wondering if you could circulate a simple app with embedded email credential plus a document showing how to change the credentials in them??? Is that possible or is it too much to ask for?

  18. Hi..I desperately need ur help in a problem..It's LIFE OR DEATH!can we communicate privately plz?

  19. Hi.. I got an encrypted message from my ex..something like Whatsapp qFOEb65..... Whatsapp internal use- safe to discard.....Was she trying to hack my whatsapp or load it onto her phone?... This is the 2nd time in 2 months this has happened.

    1. You got this as a message in whatsapp or in phone inbox?

      Was it in your Ex's name ?
      It does not seem encrypted :-/

      Does not seem like a hack attempt also.
      Just give some more info....

  20. It came in my phone inbox from her number.. it goes like so - WhatsApp qFOEb65polvYXjgK24NAWuDnZIEfxpn5 Whatsapp internal use - safe to discard

    Thanks for the speedy response.

    1. Oh...
      And yeah, Its an attempt to hack.

      Whatsapp 'code'.
      In your case 'code' - qFOEb65polvYXjgK24NAWuDnZIEfxpn5.

      This code is sent by your from mobile to itself,register your phone. Self authentication method.

      But getting this message from some user's name is different/suspicious.

      I cant guarantee is 100% hack attempt, But as your getting it in Someone's name. Probability of it being a hack attempt he HIGH!

  21. Aha...

    Thanks my man.

    Now i think i will experiment with your "theoretical" experiment.

    Big ups to you

    1. Welcome bro...

      Your feedback is welcomed after experimenting!

      Happy h4ck1ng :)

  22. Do I have to re-install my whatsapp after changing mac or do i just automatically sign in as a different person when i go to whatsapp with mac adress changed?

  23. Do I have to re-install my whatsapp after changing mac or do I just automatically sign in as a different person the next time i go to whatsapp with mac address changed?

  24. good one but bro how will i able to get someones else mac address is there any way

    1. Many people have asked this same Question.
      Will be writing a post on this topic by end of this month.



  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. hey my friend ... yogesh
    can u tell me hoe to know facebook password of friend...u can help me ?

  28. hey dude , actually nice post .. but !! deduplicated the newwhatsapp is stopping mac, and a double verification i used now .. IMEA + MAC or SERIAL number + MAC so that only one session would be opened ! the new one ! keep up the good work !!

    1. Thanks.

      Yeah! Even i heard about that they are using IMEA number as authentication token/key i.e like a password.

      So to maintain 2 connection now the attacker as to even spoof IMEA number.

      Thanks for you feedback.

  29. I don't know how to step by step to hack whatsapp account (android), can u send method

  30. Hi yogeesh.. I need ur urgent help plz.. how cam I contact u ?

    1. Hi hi5! :D
      What kind help ?
      You can ask here itself, so people with same queries can refer here.

    2. Hi Brother,

      I need your help to hacking a whatsapp in android Mobile.
      Could you please link us to download the application?
      Its really important for me at moment.

  31. Its FAKE..
    Comment will be deleted soon :-/

  32. i want to see my husbands whats app msgs as he left me on 3 months of marriage because of dowry now i just want to know is he trying flirt other girls ...please help me to save others life.

  33. Hi,
    Thnx for the posts. I'm no hacker t reasing up on how to hack App on iPhone.
    I have IMEI, MAC, phone number and even original App verification mumber. Using iPhone myself to.
    I'm I correct to assume that i now only need a MAC spoofer to hack the victim. And wil the other account also be online?

    Thank you!

  34. Hello, my name is Alex and Im from Chile
    The thing is that I did all the steps but when I got to Wi-Fi MAC adress, it just said 'not available' and I dont know why. Please help me man
    The phone is a Samsung Galaxy Fit
    Thank you very much and sorry for my english


      Check under Android phone's category :-)

  35. i need your help. can you give me your email?

  36. Hi I wanted to know how to hack my friend's husband whats app, He is cheating with other girl and we can see that he is very active on his account, is there anyway we can see his messages? Thanks

  37. and also is there any other way to hack his email address? thank you.

  38. Hey dude can u plz do a fast step by step here to hack whatsapp because u kinda didnt understand ur post lol, another question,can this hack make the other person know that hes being hacked and he could know who is hacking him? Sorry for my ebglish i speak more spanish lol.Thanks

  39. is it obtain to whatsapp for blackberry either?

  40. is it obtain on whatsapp for blackberry?
    please advice and give step by step method
    kindly regards

  41. hey i need you help plz and its urgent :( my gf is cheating on me and i want to know who she talks to on whatsapp. is there a way i can open two whatsapp accounts on different phones using the same number? is that possible?
    and do you know how to hack or crack a facebook password? plz plz plz urgent :(((((

  42. hey i need ur help asap and its really urgent
    my gf is cheating on me and its bothering me a lot :( shes talking to this guy on whatsapp all day and i want to know what its about. plz can you help me hack her whatsapp :(( and is it possible to be on 2 phones with the same mobile number for whatsapp? if so how??? and do you know how to crack a facebook password?

  43. Hi Yogeesh
    Is it possible that your whatsapp account is hacked such that using my mobile number the messages are send to another user.

  44. hi brother do you speak spanish? can you help? can you do a video tutorial please? i need hack whatsapp because is very important i wait for your answer :D thanks see you :)

  45. m so interested in hacking as a computer science student.m stil waiting fo the step by step approach to hack whatsapp.thanx in advance

  46. Hi yogeesh.. I havemt seen ur reply for sometime.. is it possible to help plz on my query of hacking watsapp and bbm ?

  47. If I already have Mac address of the victim what should i do?

  48. hi yogeesh..
    I hav my BF's email nd paswd. can u plz tel me hw to hack his whatsap activities using email .he's using iphone 4 nd i'm havng his wifi addres also ..plz suggest some simple way..

  49. Hi Yogeesh,
    Can u plz tell me the steps to hack a person's whatsapp acount using his email address... Nd he's using iphone 4 and i have his wifi address too.. Plz suggest.
    Awaiting reply

  50. please can you help me and tell me the steps how to hack whtsapp account please

  51. hi,
    can you please help und tell us, how to hack a whatsapp account,

    thank you very much!

    1. hie sorry to use your post the problem l dont know how to update l have the same problem with you l want to hack my friend whatsapp if u did get send me please

  52. How can i hack my wife Facebook account. need help.

  53. Can u teach me how to hack whatsapp?? Please!

  54. Hi, can you teach me how to hack whatsapp?? Please

  55. hi
    i need your help plzzzzz

    each update for whtsapp make it even worst

    can you hack whatsapp and send BC to all your contacts in one click ? like ( seletec all ? )

    and can you use whatsapp without number ?.

    cos i used to use plustext and i use fake number from ( plustext ) and other apps let you use fake numbers it used to work but now they dont let me use textplus app numbers and it said ( invilde number )

    plus every time i buy new line it told me no longer u can use our serivce cos u send to many BC

    it so stupid it chat app why i cant chat with too many ppl in same time ?

    so please make third party app let u be free by useing whtsapp but in thirdprty app

    where u can send BC to all your contacts by one click seletec all
    plus make for us somthing to use whATSAPP WITH OUT NUMBER

  56. hai.. i need your help.. have u have any idea to hack facebook? because i already tired with my bf lies.. i just dont have enough prove... help mee...:(

  57. bro i am eagerly waiting for your detailed post on how to hack watsapp...plz reply wenever its possible for u...thnk u

  58. Hi yogeeah... I really need ur desperate help to hack watsapp installed in a blackberry.. please hep me .. apppreciate ur reply soon

  59. hiii...i need your help....whats this mac address??? i dint got anythg how to hack whatsapp messages....plzz help...i need it immediately

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. Hi,
    Can u tell me how to stop sum1 hack my whatsapp...

    1. Don't fall for Social engineering attacks..
      I mean don't install untrusted application. Coz that may be a backdoor or spyware.

  62. I cnt understand the exact processs can u post a simple method for this

  63. Hey, how can we hack Whatsaap? Please tell anyone

  64. Please contect me if anyone can help me to hack a Whatsaap account and can find a fb pasword for me. Call me on 9555961298. Thanks

  65. Can I know if someone using 2 or more than 2 whatsapp on different mobiles using same email id ? Can I can I get those numbers without his knowledge ?

  66. hey bro,
    i need your help i can easily get MAC And EMEI of my friends android device but what to do next i know it sounds weired but i can you please help me i dont know what to do next

    please reply As soon as Possible Or you can inbox me too
    Please i really need your help in m in serious trouble

    1. Hey yogesh..I have been blocked by my boyfriend on whatsapp..I want to see his last it possible?

    2. Hey yogesh..I have been blocked by my boyfriend on whatsapp..I want to see his last it possible?

    3. Hmmm..
      I'll look to it..
      As of now i don't know any method to do that :)

  67. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. I wana take ownership of whatspp group from another person to me dis possible

  69. dear,
    i want to know if my wife is cheating on me (which i believe she is).
    i have NoiaE72 and she has Samsung Duo.
    i am literally unable to do anything either in her cell or in mine.
    please help.

  70. hi Yogeesh my husband is cheating on me and he is always hiding his phone he has an android htc hd...i cnt get his phone and even if i do it has a password there anyway i can hack his whatsapp without having any physical access to the phone!!because its impossible to get the phone..please help me my life is really depending on it

  71. have anyone figure out how to hack whats app yet?

  72. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  73. Excuse my limited knowledge but how do I Push the “MAC address” + “Verifying code” to your server or mail it your ID?
    Can you please give step by step guide for technologically challenged people like me?

  74. hi yogesh my name is piya
    i want to hack my boyfrds watsapp no.. i want to se with whom he tlks..
    i hv got Mac addr and IMEI .. now wats th next step..please rp asap

    1. Ur piya or Priya ? :D
      U want to just know who he talks TO right?
      The my next post on "How to hack whatsapp OFFLINE" would answer this Question..
      Just just follow this blog..
      Click on "Join This site"..

  75. hi friends my girl is chatting in whats app with there friends i need to hack her account kindly help me

  76. Hi,

    How do I check from my phone if my whatsapp is hacked? Plus how do I remove the hacker/s?

    Using Iphone

    Thanking you in advance for your kind help

    1. 1st, how to know whether its hacked.
      switch off your net connection and monitor ur "last seen" from ur friends phone for a day or so till u get satisfied..
      if last seen changes, then ur whatsapp is hacked.. else continue :p

      2nd, if its hacked.
      uninstall ur whatsapp application. and reinstall. that resets all connections.. So the hacker would loss his connection to ur number!

      And 'm 90% sure that it wont be hacked..

    2. If you say you hack it by the mac address, how can this be reset? the mac won't change bro, you are a total fake. Any way whatsapp verifies your phone and imei number when you activate you should not be lying this way if you can't probe it dumb ass.

    3. If you say you spoof a mac address to hack a whatsapp acount how can a reinstall clear that hack? Your mac address won't change with a reinstall. Your nothing but a dumb ass lier.

    4. :D Hero! Come out of 1990's. MAC address spoofing is possible. And in my previous comments i have mentioned that nowdays whatsapp uses 'phone num' as username and password has 'imei num'.
      And my blog clearly says its my theoretical approach. I accept suggestion from everyone. And wait i seriously dont give a shit about what u say :D
      Anyways get this into ur brain.
      Whatsapp identifies u with 3 parameters as of i know..
      1. ph num
      2. mac add. [ sppofing is possible ]
      3. imei [ password ].
      btw. MAC address apoofing is possible nly in rooted/jail breaked phones.

    5. And yeah. that reinstall clears the hack.
      Whatsapp keeps ur latest phone details has credentials.. so the hacker cannot maintain his access to whatsapp server :p

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. hi master yogeesh, if i am not able to access physically to victim's phone and get her IMEI, which means i never can hack her chat history?

    1. U want her chat history ? that too you have physical access to her phone right?
      Then its very easy..
      by next month, i'll write a post on "how to hack whatsapp OFFLINE'..
      That post would answer this Question :)

  79. Last day, in fury I sent a angry text messge to my boss.. He is vacationing.. So won't get the message till he comes back later this gives me good 3-4 days before he gets back.
    Is there any way that I cud delete the sent mesage before he gets it??
    Or a way I cud just install whatsapp account by his number and receive the same message before he does??
    Please help..
    It was really really really stupid of me.. But my boss is really a pain in the ass ... And I CANNoT risk loosing this job right now..:(

    1. oh...
      If it already has 1 tick for the message, means it has reached whatsapp server. So deleting that message from ur phone wont help.
      But there are 2 ways to solve this.[Not at all easy]
      1. Hack into main whatsapp server and search for ur message and delete it, or
      2. Login as ur boss in ur phone so u'll receive that in ur mobile!

    2. Oki.. I don't think I can hack into the whatsapp server..
      So let me give the 2nd option a try.. Hmm.. How will I get his Mac address.. He has a Samsung android..:/
      Plz help?? I am kinda new here..
      N wen I try logging in as my boss it will send him a confirmation message right?? Can u please mail me or post a complete step by step procedure for dummies?? Please please please???

  80. hey please push a full length tutorial .. thanks in advance

  81. Hey wen u will launch ur whatsapp hack for unblock ourself frm othrs whatsapp ..

  82. yeah bro u said by the end of april you will post that full length tutorial.
    plz do it..

  83. can u tell me how to hack whatsapp using bluestacks

    1. Spoofing MAC and imei number in bluestacks would be easy.
      Spoof them then continue the attack.

  84. hi can you teach me how to hack whatsapp? is the imei number similar to the mac address you mention in the post? thank you.

    1. Only similarity between imei number and MAC address is they both are number's :D.
      Bro they both server for different purpose's in mobile phones.

    2. thanks! would u be able to teach me how to hack whatsapp account? i have the imei number and phone number.

  85. Dear Yogeesh, my phone i want to hack is not in my there a possibility to do the hack without having it physically in hands? i would appreciate either a step by step tutorial, or someone else to do it for me for renumeration. thanks!

    1. i am interesting in this topic too.

    2. i am interesting in this too

    3. Yeah. Its possible as i have told in previous comments.
      You will have to develop a application for that in android and some how execute/install it in victim's phone.
      Some what like "mini backdoor's".

      Else you can use other android phone hacking methods to find the details. Which becomes little complicated!

  86. hi, may i have your email as i have some questions to ask you about the whatsapp hacking, pls?

    1. Guess u can ask here itself. Will be useful to others also :)

  87. hey yogeesh.. i have the wi-fi mac address of the other can u plz tell me how to get the verification number of the same mobile and next how to use all these numbers and codes to get access to other's whatsapp data

  88. Hi dude ! Did you finally get time to help us on that step by step guide ? do PM me please.
    Have an awesome day.

  89. what is wifi mac adress?
    can i delete account of others by hacking?
    i posted a wrong pic in my class group nd want to take it back...only pic

    1. WiFi Mac address and Mac address both are same.
      Read This ->

      Posted in a group. Bro people would have received it already.
      Ask the admin to delete the pic before it reaches others, not sure whether that ll work also. Only option left out s ask admin!

  90. My Name is JANE.I will love to share my testimony to all the people in the forum cos i never thought i will have my girlfriend back and she means so much to me..The girl i want to get marry to left me 4 weeks to our wedding for another man..,When i called her she never picked my calls,She deleted me on her facebook and she changed her facebook status from married to Single...when i went to her to her place of work she told her boss she never want to see me..I lost my job as a result of this cos i cant get myself anymore,my life was upside down and everything did not go smooth with my life...I tried all i could do to have her back to all did not work out until i met a Man when i Travel to Africa to execute some business have been developing some years back..I told him my problem and all have passed through in getting her back and how i lost my job...he told me he gonna help me...i don't believe that in the first place.but he swore he will help me out and he told me the reason why my girlfriend left me and also told me some hidden secrets.i was amazed when i heard that from him..he said he will cast a spell for me and i will see the results in the next couple of days..then i travel back to US the following day and i called him when i got home and he said he's busy casting those spells and he has bought all the materials needed for the spells,he said am gonna see positive results in the next 2 days that is Thursday...My girlfriend called me at exactly 12:35pm on Thursday and apologies for all she had done ..she said,she never knew what she's doing and her sudden behavior was not intentional and she promised not to do that was like am dreaming when i heard that from her and when we ended the call,i called the man and told him my wife called and he said i haven't seen anything yet... he said i will also get my job back in 3 days time..and when its Sunday,they called me at my place of work that i should resume working on Monday and they gonna compensate me for the time limit have spent at home without working..My life is back into shape,i have my girlfriend back and we are happily married now with kids and i have my job back too.This man is really powerful..if we have up to 20 people like him in the world,the world would have been a better place..he has also helped many of my friends to solve many problems and they are all happy now..Am posting this to the forum for anybody that is interested in meeting the man for can mail him to DRAKUGBESPELLHOME@GMAIL.COMI cant give out his number cos he told me he don't want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he' will ripl :DRAKUGBESPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM

    1. Hey jack.
      I published your comment not because it will useful for my blog viwers. It's just to insult u SPAMMER!.
      U think its difficult for a hacker differentiate between a SPAM and a normal comment. Grow up kid!

      And ur name aint JAKE. Delete ur FAKE blogger acc "jake". And do sme thing useful in LIFE.

  91. Hey Mate need ur help

    can u give your email so we can speak in private. I've read all the post but still have doubts about it

  92. Hey yogeah plz me ...
    I m blocked by my girlfriend is there is any way tosee her time and msgs
    I have no access of her mobile phone
    Nd is there is anyway to get fb password plz help urgent....
    Plz pl plz pl plz plZ...........
    I m ready to patyalso but plz help me

  93. Hello Yogeesh,

    I need your assistance in something which is private. Please advise how to contact you privately.

    Sincerely Yours,
    Nancy F.

    1. Hi Nancy you seem to be from Egypt like me I have the same problem as you ,my girl blocked me on whatsapp

  94. Bro i have a diferent kind of problem. The thing is i got a new nexus 4 and obviously i downloaded whatsapp first. My friends told u could register without a sim so i did while the sim was in my old BADA phone. Now my number is verified but my device is not since it runs only in one number and one device. Could u help me to get whatsapp to let me verify again??

  95. Hi yogesh.. I really need ur urgent help to know how to see watsapp messages of my boyfriend. .. I have tried asking u in the blog but I didn't get any reply from u.. can u plz tell me how can I get in touch with u.. plz im in despreate need of help

  96. Hi yogesh... im in very despreate need of ur help.. I want to get access to my boyfriend's watsapp which is installed in his blackberry... plz let me know how to get in touch with u.. im in despreate need of ur help.. I have tried other sources but no ine could help me.. ur my last hope.. waiting for u

  97. cool..

    but would u tell me how to prevent someone hack our whatsapp? how to block someone get access into our account?

  98. Hi Yogesh,

    is there a chance to hack an account without having access to his phone directly? So I cannot access the MAC adress

  99. can i hack somones whats ONLINE..i mean i have no access to his phones memory to copy "msgstore.crypt"..can we directly have access to the stored msgs in the help me

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  101. Hey bro..may i know ur hp nmber? Do me a favour

  102. I need to view the msgs on my husbands whatsapp acct urgently my life literally relies on this information. If u can contact me and give you the information can you please help me out!! This is literally a cry for help!! Im not computer savy..HELP

  103. YOgesh you got everything figured out. I am trying a new way.

    1. I have the Victims MAC address.
    2. I have the victims Phone number.
    3. I am using bluestacks to install whatsapp on my computer.

    Now the tricky part. I am unable to spoof mac address of wireless card. Because the victims phone Mac address starts with 50. And i need a way to bypass the verification code. Hope you can share your view on this

    1. last time me also try with bluestacks but in last i hve not the verification can i find that verification code

  104. YOgesh you got everything figured out. I am trying a new way.

    1. I have the Victims MAC address.
    2. I have the victims Phone number.
    3. I am using bluestacks to install whatsapp on my computer.

    Now the tricky part. I am unable to spoof mac address of wireless card. Because the victims phone Mac address starts with 50. And i need a way to bypass the verification code. Hope you can share your view on this

  105. I have an issue and maybe you can help me out. I met an amazing guy abroad and shortly after decided to marry him and started a processing a visa for him. Throughout the year we had several trust issues and members of my family saying that he is only in for his benefit and not because he really loves me. I feel devestated. I have put in so muche effort time and money that i dont know what to do. He set up whatssapp on his blackberry and althought he chats with me i see he is alw on line but not chatting with me. I despretely need your help on seeing his msgs. It will really help me on not going thru with the visa process. I dont have access to his phone and i want to know in order to make a decision before going for the interview. Is there other way you can help me pls.

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. so I got it working while testing with my secondary phone... But it keeps asking to verify each time I try to go back on whatsapp on the "victims" phone. Did I miss something?

  108. hi can you teach me how to hack whatsapp? my friend is using Nokia E5 please urgent my email is or

  109. Hey...i gave my phone number to my friend but unfortunately i missed her number is der any chance to know her I am der in her whatsapp account

  110. HI yogesh
    Iam using windows lumia 900 phone and my friend is using iphone 4 and i am staying abroad so i got his phone number ,MAC address as well,how to get his whatsapp history to be viewed by me and how can i get access to his whats app account to whom he is chatting ??please help me with this thanks in advance..

  111. hi, can you please teach me how to download others whatsapp converstaion history (in txt file)?

    without physically assess their phone, or let them download anything for hacking (as they won't download it).

    Please email me or reply it here! thanks!!

    1. Ya.. 'll writing on that soon. That requires python compiler and my linux distro has a problem. So in few days 'll publish. Just "join this site" to keep track :)

    2. thanks a lot! as i did some searching on every sites, i think yours is the most trustable!
      hope to see your article in these few days! many thanks :)
      and just joined your site!

  112. hi, can you please teach me how to download others whatsapp converstaion history (in txt file)?

    without physically assess their phone, or let them download anything for hacking (as they won't download it).

    Please email me or reply it here! thanks!!

  113. I want to see whose whatsapp contact am in. is it possible?

  114. Hey yogeesh ,
    This is the firs time I'v come here and saw you use the word (My Brother) most of the time as i read majority of the posts sent by the others.

    If you think I'm you brother , why you don't help me ?

    Look at the sky right now and see the God . If you have a good feeling so help me please.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. hii frnd i want to chat only some frnds in whats app so that other frnds could not view. i.e my whats app account should not show online is this possible??

  117. hii yoogesh.. i want to chat only with some frnds,in such a way that other frnds could not view this possible

  118. hiii yogesh I also desperate to learn how whatsapp can be hacked

  119. bro i need help , i,ve been tricked a friend of mine told me to add a contact with certain name when i went in there was no no. , still i added as i trusted him , now all my groups n unsaved contacts on those groups are showing that particular name ?
    can u help me bring it back to normal ?

  120. hey i need some help - recently a trusted frnd of mine asked me to add a person's contact , when i clicked on it it showed no number still i added , but now all my groups and unsaved contacts are shown as that numberless contact's name , can u help me bring it back to normal ?

  121. Hi Frd I m having physical approach to my Frd phone i know imei no as well n I can c mesgz in hez mob all I need is how can I c hex mesgz plz help

  122. Hi Yogesh,

    Could u tell me some key logger that could be sent via email or some other method to my boyfriends laptop....i need to know why is he behaving like this with me.

  123. hi Yogesh,

    Could you suggest some very good key logger that can be sent to my boyfriends laptop......i dont have physical access to it, so also if you can describe how to go about it.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.


  125. hi yogeesh..can you please help me with whatsapp msgs?i dont know how to deal with software and dont have access to the victim's phone to get the MAC address. would really appreciate ur help.
    My fiance has a Blackberry and its always it possible to get through his whatsapp msgs?

  126. Hi Yogesh, My Bf is cheating on me and he is not ready to accept it. He is using Samsung S3 model. He stays in Mumbai and I am in Pune so not able to take out his MAC address and truly speaking i am not good in Technical things. I really wanna catch him read handed. i am very tensed not getting other option apart from taking your help. so, please let me if you can help me. I'll give his and that girl's no. If you are ready to help me please let me know in

  127. Hi Dear i need your help. I am not technical sound.. and My Bf stays in Mumbai and i am in Pune so not able to take out his MAC address... Please if you can help me please mail me in my id You are my last hope to catch him. I'll wait for you reply

  128. I'm so sad when I heard about the news that Whatsapp wouldn't be free anymore. Since I realized that whatsapp messenger is actually the top rating among 18 android messengers I know. So far so good. :)

  129. Hi Yogesh

    In june you replied to someone's query " to get whatsapp history of someone else in txt form without having access to his/her phone or sending him any programme to download which he/she wont download"

    for which you replied that your python compiler and linux distro has some problem which i hope is resolved by now.

    Well i had become your site member to follow on your posts though i am not a amateur hacker even as i am not a software guy but a mechanical engineer but has interest in learning hacking though from a long time.

    Also i learnt how to find mac address on android phone and want to use it on someone but since i dont have access to the person's phone so i hoped to get a mac address grabber on internet which i couldnt find anywhere on google. so if you can help me out in this..

    Waiting for your reply

  130. please help me,my life is at danger,my bf chatwith whatsapp every night and i like to read his message,he abandon me,and i'm depresed please help meeeeeeeee very sooon,pleaseeeeeee

  131. So far, i need 3 things to hack whatsapp:

    1)MAC address
    2)IMEI identification code
    3)Verification code

    the first is included in any packet sent into internet and a MAC grabber may solve the problem. But how can i get the last two? the first surely is stored into the phone, but is there any way to get it from the net?
    The last problem is the verification code. I suppose it is sent by sms message, so again how to get from the net? and what happens if it has been deleted?
    May I create a program that inserts random numbers? or do i have a limited number of attempt to access?

    thanks for the help

  132. help meeeeeeeeeeeee,pleaseeeeeeeeeeee


  134. how about hacking LINE messenger ?

  135. Dear My g.f block me from watsapp i want to unlock me wat i do for dat???


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